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SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis

Table of Contents
Volume 21, Issue 4, pp. 823-1092

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Derivation of the Double Porosity Model of Single Phase Flow via Homogenization Theory

Todd Arbogast, Jim Douglas, Jr., and Ulrich Hornung

pp. 823-836

Transitional Waves for Conservation Laws

Eli L. Isaacson, Dan Marchesin, and Bradley J. Plohr

pp. 837-866

Asymptotic Analysis on Large Timescales for Singular Perturbations of Hyperbolic Type

W. Eckhaus and M. Garbey

pp. 867-883

Global Stability of a Premixed Reaction Zone (Time-Dependent Liñan's Problem)

Carlos Alvarez Pereira and José M. Vega

pp. 884-904

A System of Degenerate Parabolic Equations

M. Bertsch and S. Kamin

pp. 905-916

An Integral Equation Method for a Problem with Mixed Boundary Conditions

William McLean

pp. 917-934

Multiple Coupling in Chains of Oscillators

N. Kopell, W. Zhang, and G. B. Ermentrout

pp. 935-953

Subharmonic Branching in Reversible Systems

A. Vanderbauwhede

pp. 954-979

On the Sturm–Picone Theorem for $n$th Order Differential Equations

Marcellino Gaudenzi

pp. 980-994

Bessel Functions of Purely Imaginary Order, with an Application to Second-Order Linear Differential Equations Having a Large Parameter

T. M. Dunster

pp. 995-1018

General Analytic Solution of Certain Functional Equations of Addition Type

M. Bruschi and F. Calogero

pp. 1019-1030

The Recovery of Orthogonal Polynomials from a Sum of Squares

B. F. Logan

pp. 1031-1050

Stable Positivity of Polynomials Obtained from Three-Term Difference Equations

D. E. Handelman

pp. 1051-1064

$L_\infty $ Markov and Bernstein Inequalities for Freud Weights

A. L. Levin and D. S. Lubinsky

pp. 1065-1082

Wick–Wigner Functions and Tomographic Methods

Nicolas Lerner

pp. 1083-1092